JollyHeap Mini Set

Recommended Age: 0-7

The JollyHeap Mini magnetic block set is perfect for a room of a small child who consciously manipulates objects. It can be used to build mini-furniture, animals, or objects that can interact with other items, such as walls, toys, or room furnishings.

JollyHeap Gorilla
What’s in the set?


16 cubes

White Block JollyHeap

8x South Pole

JollyHeap Block

8x North Pole

8 triangles

JollyHeap Triangle

4x South Pole

JollyHeap Triangle

4x North Pole

Number of magnets in the set


36 colour combinations

See colours >

What can you build with them?

Twenty four blocks will enable the construction of numerous 2D and 3D figures, including animals, vehicles, and plants. Additionally, the set allows for the creation of mini furniture and obstacle courses.

Mini- JollyHeap
Mini- JollyHeap
Mini- JollyHeap
Mini- JollyHeap
JollyHeap Tank
Packed in EcoBox

Environmentally friendly packaging

Mini Set JollyHeap
Underwater Life

With this set, you can build each of these figures and other underwater creatures.

JollyHeap Rekin
JollyHeap Fish
JollyHeap Whale

See more sets


300 Blocks / 4 Shapes

A set that allows multiple children to play simultaneously. Recommended for spaces with a play area of up to ~20m2.



150 Blocks / 2 Shapes

A set for 2-4 children, enabling the construction of various figures and structures. There are enough blocks for a slide, obstacle courses, or a sofa.



500 Blocks / 4 Shapes

Designed for places considering block purchase as an investment: playrooms, amusement parks, or gymnasiums.
